Saturday, November 26, 2011

stranger of greece

The topic of choice for many teenagers, okay not quite, but when that’s all you do what else is there to talk about?
Whether you go to a public school, a private school, or (my personal favorite) a charter school, (my not-so-favorite) homeschooling, there’s always some form of education. That is where we are today, education. Whether it be in math, grammar, sciences, or music you can always learning something.
Well, I was going to post the above, and i suppose it was indeed posted, but I find it rather boring, much like the enthusiasm for inspiration has been lost. Continuing on, I have been pretty busy with school, and everything else.
(RANDOM THOUGHT: I like the Dixie Chicks)
I have rediscovered my love for music. It’s so beautiful, music constantly playing in the background, drowning out everything. YAY! Peace at last!
I got a library card, too. The library is HUGE. It’s pretty cool.

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    Birthday Parties & Crater Lake
    Well, me again…
    Shall I start with Crater Lake??
    We went to Crater Lake (very pretty…) I will be putting up pictures as soon as they’re sent to me… need to get my own camera! Long story as to why my Christmas present fell through the cracks.
    YAY! Birthday parties are always fun, my cousin ad the neighbor kid have birthdays. side-by-side. Joseph and Caleb (is the neighbor).
    Yesterday, party at the Blausers house….and today, skate park… boring for me, but they gave me cake… so eh *shrugs*
    I shall put up the pics of Crater Lake and you better look at them!!!!

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    Bbananamilk is so funny....
    … but I know exactly what she means. Except I get yelled at when I enforce the rules. If they don’t clean up they get time out, and then the parents just take them out and say, “Oh they don’t do that at home…” although they may have different rules at the CS than the church nursuries I’ve helped in…
    Anyway, moving on… so funny how she’s exhausted cuz if she doesn’t say more than two words, I’m gonna call her like early in the morning her time.
    Maybe I was sympathetic before, but not anymore. She’s had plenty of time and she even re tweeted me once.. but it was like lol or something like that…
    I just moved across the continent… what kind of friend ignores that. (And I don’t count cuz I didn’t know she was moving…!!! And I swear I’ll write in my calender to call you on Christmas… I’ll even put a annoying little alarm…. hehe)
    Today, Gram went to the doc’s but they didn’t know what the rash on her arm was…. gave her some allergy meds for it… While Uncle Joe and Gram were away stayed at the Matz…
    Eoine Macken & Benjamin Stone
    Because, I mean the Dark ages, and a cat guy. What could be better? Hehe
    Anyway, maybe I can get a phone here… maybe, not sure how it’d work… Hm… deep thought into necessity…
    But, anyway, moving onto
    Good night, sleep well
    Oíche mhaith, codladh sámh
    ;-) Livvy (Olivia is Greek right??)That’s what the Matz keep calling me….
    I’m gonna put a new Greek name on every Stranger of Greece post….

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    Traveling ...
    Okay, those of you that are curious, I made it to Oregon!!! Yay!! Goodness. Minnesota, Portland, Medford. I’m exhausted. Although the stop over in Minnesota was Awesome. Went to the Mall of America. My question is who would think to build the biggest mall in Minnesota?? rather different… My cousins are scattered abroad at the moment but I saw little baby John Andrew. He’s napping at the moment. He wasn’t so happy about that. This’ll have to be a short post cuz my iPod is almost dead. But all in all had a great time flying around. Up until my ears popped really bad on the last landing. Awful. Anyway, more later when I can get on the computer. !!!!! -The StrAngeR oF GreeCe.
    I wrote the above article on my Itouch earlier, and was almost out of battery… I dare say it’s dead by now…
    but moving on, I’m now at the first desktop I’ve seen in ages… but it’s nice… and permanent.
    Today was spent primarily at my Aunt Jessica’s house… got to spend a lot of time with John Andrew (Johnny the baby). He’s so cute… I know I’ve said that half a million times, but really, he’s a cutie…
    Anyway, my cousins… Julia and Twinies are away… Won’t see them for a long while… so sad…
    I recently was hanging out with two girls Taylor(12) Lizzy (11).
    Taylor was more mature than I thought possible for a twelve-year-old to be…
    Looking forward to meeting people at chruch tomorrow night… Yay!!
    School is kinda up in the air now… a lot of discussion.
    Math, English, Science, History…
    Then, they have extra classes… Languages too. Uncle Joe’s kids take Latin… I wanna take French, but may end up taking Latin this year, rather like a foudation…
    Going to help Aunt Jess paint her new house….
    So, all is going well for those of you who are interested… too bad bbananamilk isn’t one of them!!!!! but I will give her a little extra slack because of her job… but only a little… cuz I’ve been chasing kids around all day, and I still find time to type this… didn’t I??
    Funny. Anyway, off to do a jigsaw puzzle with Gram… ~SIGH~ I hate jigsaw puzzles… maybe we can play Double Solitaire instead…
    Whoo~!!!! No time for feeling disheartened now…
    Lovely, the quiet. Lack of screaming kids… if only for some music… so sad…
    -AgaIn tHiS haS BeeN tHe StRanGeR Of GreeCe
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Love Ya!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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    Blogging my Stories....
    My aunt was wondering why I don’t post my stories on blogspot anymore… to speak the truth I kinda forgot about the blog …
    I think I’ll start blogging some stories on Tumblr, I like it better than Blogger….
    Start yet another, like ‘The Stranger of Greece’ yep… (but in actuality that’s like a regular blog.)
    I suppose I’ll just post them on Author Lydianne because that’s my writer blog…
    but I think I’ll start my Travel Gal back up cuz now with moving to Oregon tomorrow, I’ll have been all the way around the world…
    ~ sigh~ for my accomplishments…. :D
    Anyway, moving on…
    Flying tomorrow getting to the airport in Oregon sometime late at night…
    how interesting…
    Life’s gonna be interesting with the move… Little cousins so cute…. :D
    Gram lives out there too… Double Solitaire is a word mostly prominent in the vocabulary of ‘loved ones’.
    We were talking about Greek names… Zoe and Karis are greek names…
    Yay! I feel so included…. :D
    Charter School sounds fun too…
    Kinda worried about the testing… eep. gotta test in Algebra… breathe~~~
    Kids just caught three mice…. how sad… computer is gonna die soon….
    I’ll upload pictures maybe… gonna try again to convince Daddy to let me on Facebook…. but who knows… he let me start Instant Messaging….
    :D :D :D Oregon… is probably gonna be … “lively”.
    Anyway, write again later…
    **~~The Stranger of Greece~~**

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    Buffy the Vampyre Slayer.
    Rest in Peace_!_!_!_!_

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    I just LOVE LOVE LOVE my Avatar.
    hehe pardonnez de parlez vous?
    I wish I could draw like that. I’d make her violet…. :D
  • My Avatar...
    Finishing up school. Fun, NON?
    Yeah, NON!
    Summer camp in the future. Leaving to there on the 26th get back on the 1st of July… THEN THEN THEN
    Flying out of the L.A. INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT.
    Naw, I’m just kidding ya’ll. *SIGH*
    But, I AM moving 3,000 miles away from my 3 younger siblings. That’s right folks, mamma’s baby’s leaving the nest!!!! :D
    Only oldest children that babysit CONSTANTLY and HAVE NO LIFE know what I’m talking about… Well, and maybe their bestest friend…
    Sure my Aunt and Uncle have kids… but trust me NO one could be as bad as my little sister. Twelve years old and as moody as a demon PMSing….
    *Pouty face*
    I want to meet an Irish boy… hehehe
    MissGothPrincess on and I were just talking about that…
    Like Ian what’s-his-name married to Mariead in the Bloody Jack books.
    Just kidding, he doesn’t have to be from the 1800s. :D
    Looking forward to see my CUTEST cousins….!!!!!!!!
    13 cousins living out there total in the WILD WEST and I’m going to see them.
    Plus, they have a charter school.
    which you’re still home-schooled, but a teacher comes once a week to plan out your lessons, and give you your tests. Plus, you can take extra curricular classes…. Piano; Violin, AND they have a writing program!
    I’m the StranGeR oF GreeCe!